Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pussy Superpower

The United States is the weakest superpower in the world. While we still retain the ability to kick the shit out of any country we point our armed forces at, we are constantly cowed by the words of half-assed dictators and neo-Hitler douchebags who wield little real power but talk a big game and go largely unchecked by us. We need to be more like the King of Spain, who is now the most popular ringtone out there. He got that way by telling Hugo Chavez of Venezuela to shut up. Personally, I think he should have used a few expletives to push the point home.

The reason for this is the neutering of our government, as well as our offering of at least one nut to the United Nations. We have always valued opinions and ideas and freedom in this country. It's what makes this country great and lets me write this shit on a daily basis. However, we have taken this concept to the point where we have so many ideas, so many different opinions, that we have forgotten we are a great and powerful country. We have also chosen a path of peace and harmony. Strangely, the terrorists and petty dictators have seen this as a weakness and threaten us at every turn. While they know that in a fight they will lose, they can play up their sympathy on the world stage, making us look bad.

In addition, our celebrities, and in some cases our congressmen, go overseas and bash us. Or they make clearly anti-American films for the sole purpose of bashing the country or the current administration. The result is enough fodder for our enemies to mock us all day.

While there are many of you out there who think there is something wrong with our government, and I include myself in that, the freedom and liberty of the whole world is protected by the sheer might and power of the USA. And while dissent keeps people more honest, out and out rebellion tears down the country and makes us weaker. Even if you can't stand a particular party or particular President, there are times we must stay united.

And as for our leaders, they need to show a little something I like to refer to as a backbone. They need to deal with pissant presidentes like Dick Cheney does with dissent in the Senate. I would love to see Condoleeza Rice walk up to one of these dick-tators, get in his face, and launch into a tirade with enough expletives to fill up another South Park movie. It's high time we act like the bullies these micro countries say we are and act like the superpower we are.

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