Thursday, November 22, 2007

For Which I Am Thankful

Today is Thanksgiving, and I have had my fill of meaty goodness (beef and venison) as well as many of he trimmings. Now, with only a few hours left in the day, and the rush of shopping that is the madness of Black Friday ready to truly begin, I will simply share with all of you a list of things for which I am thankful.

First of all, I am thankful for my two children. All hopes and dreams I once had I give to them, for my true legacy will only be known through them. I am thankful for my family. They are responsible (like it or not) for the person I now am.

I am thankful for the friends I have had over the years, especially those who have added something to my life. What my family began, they finished doing. But I have discovered many things I love to do thanks to them.

I am thankful for those who have taught me how to think. The list goes on, from parents, to friends, to teachers, to pundits and politicos and pompous talkers who have fired out countless ideas, many of those I now claim as part of my philosophy. They are the reason you get to read this shit.

I am thankful to my country for giving me the right to be me. I am thankful for the soldiers, past, present, and future, who fight and die for all of us. I am thankful to God, who in His wisdom (and obviously perverse sense of humor) created all that we now enjoy and gave us the strength and wisdom to make this greatness grow.

Finally, I am thankful to all of you who take a few minutes to read, and in some cases digest, the nuggets of wisdom that slip out while I am blathering on somewhat incoherently between tech calls and children. Our freedom of speech works best when people want to listen in, and then join the conversation. Happy Thanksgiving.

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