Saturday, March 20, 2010

You Arrogant Bastard....

I'm writing this while at work on Saturday, with C-Span on my TV.  President Obama is on the screen right now, and I happen to be between calls.  So I get to hear him talk about all the evil people standing in the way of HIS health care bill.  That would be the GOP (who can't stop a damn thing) and the insurance companies (the Jews to his Hitler).  That's also the reason for the title of the post.

(Note, I yelled considerably more obscene things as the lies rolled on, but since too many people bitched the last time I did so....)

The sad thing is that if I turn to other channels, I find NASCAR (ABC), stupid-ass Basketball (CBS), boring-as-shit golf (NBC), and local programming (Fox).  The news channels and MSNBC have the same feed as C-Span, of course, but why would the majority of people be watching them when they could be checking out how their teams in their brackets are doing  or seeing of Jeff Gordon (who sucks) has plowed into the wall at Bristol and is out of the race.

So the fate of the country is in the balance, it requires the majority that doesn't want this shit to pass to be paying attention, and the manipulative bunch in Washington is doing their damnedest to make sure that as few people as possible are paying attention.

The only hope is that they are having these idiot rallies to try to keep the momentum for the vote.  Maybe it means they don't have the votes yet and won't have the votes Sunday.  But since Obama is staking his first term on this POS, and Nancy Pelosi is staking her speakership on the same, expect them to do anything and promise anything to get it to pass.  And that includes the fun of these manufactured rallies on a Saturday afternoon when no one is paying attention.

And thus, I find myself watching C-Span.

Update: I just heard that "deem and pass" is in the shitcan.  There's one less excuse the Dems on the fence can use to say they didn't vote for the pos.


Shaw Kenawe said...

The country is EVENLY divided on health care reform:

For proof, witness the results of a Kaiser Family Foundation poll that showed 46 percent of Americans in favor of the health reform proposal and 42 percent opposed. The poll has a margin of error of 3 points … meaning the public is almost evenly divided on the issue.


And Gallup on March 9 found this:

"The poll finds that Americans who oppose passing a healthcare bill like the one Obama has proposed do so more because they disagree with that specific approach, rather than the efforts to reform healthcare more generally. Sixty-two percent of Americans who oppose the bill would prefer that Congress start over on new legislation, while 37% say Congress should not work on healthcare legislation at this time."


Patrick: "...and the insurance companies (the Jews to his Hitler)."

Do you REALLY have to desecrate the Holocaust to show your dislike of a piece of legislation?


You lose all credibility when you cheapen what happed to the Jews and write hyperbole like that.

Passing legislation you don't like is NOT the same as slaughering 6 million Jews. It is not ANYTHING like torturing, enslaving, and killing Jews. Okay?

You and others on the Right need to stop making that stupid comparison and use the brains you were born with to find some other analogy.

Leave the very real horror of what the Jews suffered out of your hissy fit, okay? Thanks.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Damn! I thought this post would be about me after seeing the title.

Oh well. I hope this latest silly and baseless rant of yours gives you a "Joe Wilson publicity moment" Patrick.

Plus, if you would post on a few other sites that me or Chairman TAO are pinkos your list of followers would vastly increase.

Patrick M said...

Shaw: Do you REALLY have to desecrate the Holocaust to show your dislike of a piece of legislation?

No, I'm drawing a comparison between the tactics that Obama is using to pass this to the tactics Hitler used to gain his power, not the subsequent slaughter, which is not Obama's intent or the immediate results of the passage of this crap.

If you can show where I say that Obama is planning to snuff people, then I accept the criticism. Otherwise, your charge of hyperbole is way damned off base.

The fact is that Obama has selected a bogeyman that is unsympathetic to a whole lot of people and is demonizing an industry to cram through legislation that will, in effect, kill that industry. Thus, the analogy stands.

I can't help it if you want to go bat-shit when I drop the H-bomb. But it's the most glaring example of using a scapegoat to advance an agenda that there is.

101: Damn! I thought this post would be about me after seeing the title.

You wish. :)

I hope this latest silly and baseless rant of yours...

Because you never go to ridiculous hyperbole on your blog. That being said, this is more of a reaction piece than a laying out of the facts....

Shaw Kenawe said...

No, I'm drawing a comparison between the tactics that Obama is using to pass this to the tactics Hitler used to gain his power.

Here's how Hitler came to power:

Hitler's rise to power was based upon long-term factors - resentment in the German people, the weakness of the Weimar system - which he exploited through propaganda (paid for by his rich, Communist-fearing backers), the terror of his stormtroopers, and the brilliance of his speeches.

During the 'roaring twenties' Germans ignored this vicious little man with his programme of hatred. But when the Great Depression ruined their lives, they voted for him in increasing numbers. Needing support, and thinking he could control Hitler, President Hindenburg made the mistake in January 1933 of giving Hitler the post of Chancellor.


That has nothing in any way, shape, or form to do with America.

Obama "came to power" through the free exercise of the peoples' votes.

Mr. Obama is passing health reform through the American system of Consstitutional government. To compare him to Hitler is insane. And to compare what this legislation will do to insurance companies is even farther out there. They will still be in business.

The Democrats are the majority in Congress. The American people voted for more Democrats in Congress in 2006 and 2008, and they voted for the Democratic presidential candidate who clearly stated he would initiate health care reform. And Obama won.

The American people chose Mr. Obama as their president knowing he would initiate health care reform.

What is it about that statement that people don't get?

We are a divided nation. The other side is in power now. Adjust to it.

Patrick M said...

Shaw: Did I ever mention that you're a master of adding so much irrelevance to make your point that you miss the specific point. But let's try it again:

I said: I'm drawing a comparison between the tactics that Obama is using to pass this to the tactics Hitler used to gain his power.

The specifics is that in his brilliant speeches, Hitler used the Jews primarily as scapegoats for all the evils in Germany. And he couched his plans in pro-Germany rhetoric. This, among other things, allowed him to amass a lot of popularity and momentum.

With insurance companies, Obama found a similar scapegoat, that while having some culpability, is not the damned source of all problems in health care, as Obama has portrayed. And thankfully, his speeches are not nearly as brilliant as Hitler's.

That's is the limit of my analogy. I await your obfuscation.

The American people chose Mr. Obama as their president knowing he would initiate health care reform.

What is it about that statement that people don't get?

I thought it was that whole "change we can believe in" bullshit. Nevertheless, those poll numbers that you cite, as well as others (that I'm not going to look up as it's 9:30 at night and about to be a moot point) show that as people learned about what the "change" was going to be, more of the Obama voters stopped wanting what Obama was selling. Or ramming through.

The other side is in power now. Adjust to it.

Did that over a year ago. But just because one party has the majority doesn't mean the get to do whatever the hell they want. If this were a country of mob rule, it might be a different story.

Even if (and unfortunately, when) it passes, this fight will not be over.

Toad734 said...


Aren't those the same tactics Bush used to get us into Iraq?

Patrick M said...

Shaw: Bullshit.

While the insurance companies are not shiny and clean in this whole mess, they are NOT, repeat, NOT the source of the problem with health insurance in this country. The source was in government trying to control the whole thing. And they just got a lot more control.

I weep for my children and stand by my analogy.

And Obama as Lincoln? I can hear Abe spinning now.

Toad: No.