Friday, February 26, 2010

The Health Care Meh Summit

Yeah, I'm including a non-resounding meh in the title, because that's essentially what ultimately came out of the dog and pony show that was yesterday's health care summit.  But I'm going to try to piece together a post on my thoughts on this.  As it is, I had very limited firsthand information, and a lot of skewed info to begin with.  So first I digged into the blogs to see opinionation.

Thus commenced the rolling of eyes.  Although, thankfully, there wasn't a lot on the blogs I regularly hit.  So with limited info, I'll share what I've got:

The Setup

Essentially, it was designed as a show to impart the impression of bipartisanship by letting everybody talk, even if the discussion will be ignored.  The GOP came with their oft-ignored ideas, and a whole bucket of principle (finally).  The Dems came with the same plan they couldn't get through so far (and not much else).  So the back and forth began.


It was 7 1/2 hours of people who can't solve shit not solving shit. But, on the plus, there were differences.   The Dems ran through the exact same lines as before, with nothing new, and no explanation how their plan wouldn't turn into another government debacle and a budget-sucking hell.  The GOP, despite their numerous prior failures, Proved they had a grasp of the Dems plan, as well as their many ideas.


In the end, it was a Win for Obama in that he can say he was bipartisan and transparent.  It was a Win for the GOP in that they manged to prove that they had plans as well and weren't just screaming no.  It was not a win for Dems in general, because they didn't really gain anything.  And it was a Win for America, because this didn't change the equation in the debate over destroying health care.  And while this will mean that nothing may be done (which is not necessarily good thing), it will be better than taking us down the road to worse health care for all.


Next week, Obama will be laying out "the way forward" on destroying health care.  I say destroying, because with absolutely no agreement, it's going to be a version of the Obamacare we've already seen.  And the nuclear option, AKA reconciliation is expected as a tactic to ram it through.  So it's going to fall to reelection pressure brought to bear on the people who may or may not pass this.  In that, I have no say, as I have a rep who will vote against no matter what, a senator who will vote for it no matter what, and an idiot senator who might (but probably won't) because he's not seeking reelection.  So it may be a toss up.



Jerry Critter said...

I am not sure why you are repeating this republican talking point "And the nuclear option, AKA reconciliation...". I know you are intelligent enough to know that the nuclear option and reconciliation are two completely different things.

Patrick M said...

Oh, it's a GOP talking point? Hadn't heard that.

And here I thought I was just being original and factually shady.

But they are both the idea of tossing out the filibuster rule to benefit the majority.

It's especially bad, though, considering the Dems couldn't get the bill through when they did have 60 votes....

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Given the spirited competition that has existed between us for nearly a year Patrick, I have to tip my hat to you for this line:

"It was 7 1/2 hours of people who can't solve shit not solving shit."

Even though you would benefit from health insurance reform I admire your stick toitiveness also. It's silly and I wonder why in God's name you are against something this important which is your's and your Country's best interest. Especially when you ironically name corporate interests that don't want fair and affordable health care for you as AOTW.

Where your stubborness proudly Illustrious One.

Patrick M said...

101: It's silly and I wonder why in God's name you are against something this important which is your's and your Country's best interest.

Because it wouldn't.

The reason those corporate interests got the AOTW was because they do stupid shit that makes it hard to defend them sometimes. And you'll notice that the three industries I highlighted are up to their ass in government red tape already. The insurance companies, due to myriad laws are near-monopolies with no real choice for the individual. The credit card banks are up to 10 pages of micetype now from all the cross-regulation. And the car companies keep adding shit to cars to go wrong because of a gazillion standards impose by our "friends" in the imperial federal government.

Now do I see a need for some regulations? Yes. But the tendency to respond to EVERYTHING by adding more government is the cause of myriad problems. My next AOTW is AOTW partially because we've become so invested in government that his asshattery is so widespread.

Corporations behave better when they're not coddled and protected and poked and prodded by the government for no other reason that to ensure someone's election and have to live or die by convincing people to buy their shit instead of someone else's shit.

So you may think that investing hope for reforming health insurance lies in giving to people who can't solve shit is a good idea. Not so strangely, you're not going to find me anywhere near agreeing with it.