Monday, August 24, 2009

The Value of a Trial Run and AOTW

I have not quite settled into the rhythm of school days yet, but I'm close. I made the kids get up this morning to see how well getting them off to school would be. I woke them up about an hour before the bus time. Thankfully, it went off without maximum hitchage, although we had one grump and one juicy squirt to deal with at the time they would be about to get on the bus (which would have been a scramble otherwise.

So I didn't get them off to school today, so I found myself distracted, and between that and work, I didn't have the energy for a full post. So in lieu of better posts when I have kid-free hours, let's just get down to the rat killing:

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill is Asshat of the Week!

Initially, when I heard about the release of the convicted Lockerbie bomber for so-called "compassionate" reasons, I was not excessively shocked or angered. As it was, I was still rather young and all I remember is the image of the front of the plane on the ground. But as I got around to reading more, especially finding about the bastard's hero's welcome back in Libya, I started to get that feeling that I get when I watch 9/11 footage: Unreasoning rage. The kind that makes me wish they hadn't released the bomber, and instead let him die in agony (no pain meds) lying in a pool of his own shit.

And if you think that's exaggeration, I assure you it's mild compared to what my exaggerations are. And 82 percent of Americans at least agree that the terrorist piece of shit should have died in Scotland (with 8% fucking clueless and 10% proving they should be killed by terrorists).

And it's all because of the Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill. This is the asshat that made the decision and then hid behind the book of procedures to justify his rank asshattery. And except in the America-hating circles and the Scottish and British governments (who have been unmotivated to correct the asshat's mistake), I can't find a single person that thinks he made even a remotely good call.

Hell, there's even a boycott site ( to visit. And while I don't see myself changing a whole lot of lifestyle choices (because I don't buy anything that would be boycotted anyway), it's not a bad idea.

Now at the risk of sounding angry, may Kenny MacAsscrack be repeatedly violated by dogs for his asshattery, and a plague of hairy testicles shower down upon the asshat enablers of the world (Especially in Great Britain and Scotland).

In the war we are in (and yes, the War on Terror continues), relenting and allowing known terrorists to go free, or showing any sympathy to shitheads that do (and to their credit, the Obama administration hasn't), is a sure path to defeat.


TAO said...

Ah, yes, principles, morals, and a just cause...

They all pretty much get thrown out the window when Libya has oil and lots of big bucks to spend on development...

THAT Patrick is one of the key elements of capitalism...

At the end of the day its all about economics and money...

Ever wonder what would happen if we actually found Osama Bin Laden? Ever wonder why we haven't....

It sucks being a member of the Saudi Royal Family...

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with you AOTW! What he did was a slap in the face to all those that lost someone that day! Then to return home to a hero's welcome was just adding salt to the wound.

School starts on the 8th here and I am counting down by minutes! LOL

Satyavati devi dasi said...

I've read some interesting international perspectives on this and some compelling arguments about it, going all the way back to innocence or guilt.

I think if someone's convicted in another country, it's pretty much their decision what to do with them, and not ours.

Of course, the American people don't see it that way, but perhaps there should have been a greater effort put forth at the time to get the man sent here for trial, conviction, sentencing and so forth.

That didn't happen, and so the man was worked through Scotland's system, and they did what they felt right. I think the US relinquished any right to input on those decisions a long time ago.

Patrick M said...

Tao: It's a failure of the government, not private industry. Of course business concerns seek their own self-interest. Government isn't supposed to seek their interest in this case; they should do right by their people. So blaming capitalism is bullshit.

Jenn: Maybe we should give ol' Kenny some nice, non-scarring, non life-threatening flesh wounds. Then add salt.

Saty: Legally, you're right that we don't have any jurisdiction to throw the terrorist into a hole or the Mediterranean from 40,000 feet or something he deserves.

But we have an absolute right to voice our damned opinions, especially since we've been carrying a lot of the water in the fight against terrorism for a while now.

And when it involves a terrorist act, it's not a criminal act, it's an act of war against humanity.

Look on the bright side. At least no one sane is calling for some bombs to be dropped over this.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I concede that Kenny is a far more appropriate candidate for Asshat of the Week than I will ever be Illustrious One. The wisdom of this weeks award is worthy even of TAO.