Monday, May 4, 2009

A Special Asshat Award For a Jackass

When the news broke that Arlen Specter was finally leaving the GOP for his true home in the Democrat party, I had a few thoughts.

First, I was indifferent, because he and fellow RINOs Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins were going to hose the GOP regularly for the next two years, when unanimous dissent (with substantive alternatives) is the only hope that the GOP had, as a party, to influence anything over at least the next two years (through the relentless use of the filibuster). That's gone once Minnesota finishes it's mistake and commits political suicide with the running joke of Senator Smalley.

Second, as the realization that the GOP had ABSOLUTELY NO SAY IN ANYTHING (except in blocking justices) brought me both a small measure of pain and a large measure of relief. Pain because now there's not even the chance that the RINOs could unite and stop something wholly repugnant (which was already a long shot after the infamy of the Bullshit! package). But the relief comes from the fact that conservatism flourishes in the GOP when they get tired of being out of power. You don't get more out of power than this.

So that was all well and good and good riddance you jizzlobber. I hope the Dems turn your untrustworthy ass out and run a real candidate.

Then the senile RINO-turned-jackass reached the rank of supreme asshattery (too late for me to give him the award for the week):

Specter Claims Kemp Would Be Alive if Congress Better Funded Medical Research

Let's just look at the quote:

"If we had pursued what President Nixon declared in 1970 as the war on cancer, we would have cured many strains. I think Jack Kemp would be alive today. And that research has saved or prolonged many lives, including mine."

Very nice. Try to score political points on the party you buttfucked, on one of its icons who just died, when there's no guarantees concerning cancer, he was probably getting some kind of treatment, cancer research has been well-funded for decades, and you know nothing of what happened. I think the pic at the left says it all.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Arlen will continue his sodomizing ways. His pecker will pound the collective ass of both parties. And I have no idea what he will gain from his actions.
It would be the kindest thing to do for Arlen, Pennsylvania and America to gently ease him from office.

TAO said...

The facts are that Arlen was running over 50% behind his Republican competition as a Republican but now as a Democrat he is 20% ahead against the same challenger.

While Arlen is a mess the reality is that the folks of Pennsylvania WANT A DEMOCRAT.

The above stated statistics come from recent polls in Pennsylvania and they show how absolutely out of touch the right wing conservative base is with the mainstream.

Dead meat as a democrat is more popular than live conservative meat.

Name: Soapboxgod said...

"...from recent polls in Pennsylvania and they show how absolutely out of touch the right wing conservative base is with the mainstream."

Ah the polls...fuck the polls. True leadership changes the polls. It does not follow them.

Patrick M said...

101: You're not quite kind and gentle with Mr Pecker, are you?

Tao: I'd explain why you're wrong, but the Soapmeister is way too eloquent....

Mike's America said...

So Patrick: I noticed your thingee about Rush Limbaugh in the sidebar. I hope you don't think your lib moonbats will respect you more for putting that up.

Patrick M said...

Yeah, Mike. And if you click it, it would take you to the actual post which explains why Rush is there this week. But thanks for not commenting on the topic of the post again.

Arthurstone said...

Patrick M-

Couple of things to remember about Mike.

1.) He gets lonely over there at Mike's America. The same four folks post over and again to the point they likely write one another's remarks.

2.) He works from a script and quite often it is the wrong one.


I Ain't Got No Blog said...

Well Goodie Goodie Gumdrops Arthur Stones.
Thats 4 more than you get ..

Is that the best thing you can write about?

No wonder I can't stand Libaturds.

Patrick M said...

IAGNB: 1. Arthur's written more than you have. He's just decided not to talk politics.

2. He has had at least 4 (I think) commenters on his blog (including me).

Toad734 said...

God forbid Patrick that you would think for yourself! Mike can never deviate from what he is spoon fed from his conservative heroes; they do no wrong ever. Only Democrats do. Don't you know anything?

Anyway, I hope this ends up spawning more political parties. More precisely, I hope it spawns two different conservative parties, one for the NeoCon, Jesus Bush crazy, war mongers, who are running the Republican Party now and is the reason they lost, and one that looks a little more libertarian. And it would be fine if the Democrats went back to being the party of the working class as opposed to the party of Hollywood and get away from all this free trade bullshit. A 5 party system would be even better. It is possible, I mean we used to have several viable parties and most of those don't even exist anymore. Even the ones we have today started out very different than what they stand for today as they have almost completely switched sides. It is very reasonable to expect this to happen again...especially after all the damage the Bush crew has done and how bad a Liberal black guy named Barack Hussein Obama beat an ex war hero white guy Republican.

I will be in Bill Maher’s party as soon as he gets over his Israel obsession.

Patrick M said...

Toad: ...especially after all the damage the Bush crew has done and how bad a Liberal black guy named Barack Hussein Obama beat an ex war hero white guy Republican.As with many other comments you leave, I'm just going to look at the ignorance of it all and laugh at you.

Toad734 said...

Ignorance of what? If it weren't for Bush being so incompetent, and not believing in science, McCain would have won in a landslide. If not for all that, the Republican party would still be viable.

dmarks said...

Toad said: "I hope it spawns two different conservative parties, one for the NeoCon, Jesus Bush crazy, war mongers, who are running the Republican Party now and is the reason they lost"

The Jesus thing made no sense, and might be a bit of religious bigotry on your side. Neocons are few, and never had much power. Also, fighting back against those who attack us with the ultimate goal of ceasing all hostilities is not "war mongering".

"Ignorance of what? If it weren't for Bush being so incompetent, and not believing in science, McCain would have won in a landslide."

He was more competant than his opponents, and rejected junk science. So the problem was not with Bush here.

McCain would have won in a landslide if he had been 10 years younger.

Patrick M said...

Toad: You rant on about skin color and age and suggest everything Bush did was bad and everything Obama has done is therefore good, even though economic policy has not changed that much (more bailouts, more government). Plus you fire off insane assumptions like Republicans not believing in science.

For clarification, I don't "believe" in science at all. That would be investing belief in a wholly manmade construct (as opposed to a manmade construct that people believe waas inspired by God) that was never meant to be a religion. However, I generally accept as fact most science, reserving the right to question anything when there is sufficient evidence.

Dmarks: Get used to Toad's religious bigotry. He assumes (very incorrectly) that a belief in God means you've pissed away your reasoning center.

McCain would have won in a landslide if he had been 10 years younger.Yeah, and if he was a conservative. And actually had run a real campaign rather than holding his (shriveled) pecker until mid-October. And if people actually studied the candidates (assuming the first two things had been true).