Sunday, March 1, 2009

From a Legend to the AOTW

Paul Harvey - There's little I can say that Paul Harvey himself has not already said. We're talking a legendary voice that's been on the air longer than most of us have been around. And while it's been a while since I've heard him, his was a voice and a personality I could never forget. So I'll just leave it at that.

Side Notes - As I've navigated the blogosphere, I've noticed there is too often an attempt to wrap the good and bad into euphemistic catch phrases. Here's a few I'm going to clarify:
  • Earmarks/pork - We'll dispense with these labels and just redefine it as insane fucking money burning.
  • Stimulus - A euphemism to justify insane fucking money burning.
  • Tax cut - No longer means reducing a rate but increasing a government insane fucking money burning check.
  • "The last eight years" - The source of and reason for all insane fucking money burning, past, present, and future.
Which reminds me why Obama and the Democrats think they can do this (nod to James, much to his inevitable chagrin):




And now, let's get to the asshattery:

This one is a little more personal. Jenn, now formerly of Conservative Convictions, and still at Palace of a Princess and her new blog Thinking Out Loud, was the catalyst.

It began shortly before her post declaring she was retiring from CC and getting away from the political blogging for a while (a whole day). As usual, the comments sections of all our blogs are a mixture of opinionated and ballsy people who rarely agree but seem to have a little respect for the others challenging that. Outside that group are another bunch of militant asshats who have blogs that don't respect this give and take and just trash the opposition. But they at least have the testicular fortitude to have an identity and blog to be replied to.

And while I have people that I'm convinced are just wrong, at least I can go to their blogs and give them a little shit.

But as usual, there are anonymous trolls that show up to spew bile. No cogent thought, just the reactionary bullshit that feeds the ammo to the other side. Prior to the election, the anonymous moonbats were the festering yellow zit on the ass end of my blog. Now it's the Obama-is-a-terrorist wingnuts that are chapping my ass.

Do I agree with the douchebags? Sometimes I do. But it's just like the Antichrist (Savage). The message may be right sometimes, but the messenger is wrong. Not Bobby Jindal dweebing out the audience wrong. Not Obama saying "no earmarks" and not sprouting a footlong schnoz wrong. Just rage-filled, angry as fuck wrong.

And then there was this peckerhead that toook the occasion of Jenn's retirement to mock her. Well fuck that cockslut! Fuck all these shitstains that can't emote anything intelligent and can only fire off vapid venemous rants they got off some tinfoil hat brigater's conspiracy site. And so:

The Anonydolt Blogger is Asshat of the week!

We're talking either a tofu-eating Nader disciple or an inbred anarchist Paulista banging a Shih Tsu and producing a demon fuck-child that has all the intellectual curiosity of the average American Idol watcher and the social maturity of a twelve-year old stuck on top of a ferris wheel with a porno mag and a lubed up inflatable date. These cowardly pukes come and infect us all, spewing nothing of interest, often ignoring the topic, and just trying to stir the shit pot to see what turds they can get to float. Well I'd say the best thing would be just to dunk them in the floating feces until they're good and dead. Then our collective IQ (except for you liberals, of course) would go up.

So if you're an anonydolt, man up, throw out your blog and at least have the stones to let us come to your blog and make fun of you. Otherwise, stop wasting our times and go plug into unreality TV. And die.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Sorry about Paul Harvey. But he was lucky to get 90 years. RIP.

The video was lame.

And I learned quite a few new Cesspoolian words today from that rant. LOL!

Trouble is, I don't know where I'll be able to use them.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Paul Harvey had passed! I looked him up, I never realized the massive amount of awards he's earned through the years.

Well considering the asshat of the week, is based on me, I absolutely, positively approve! It wasn't necessarily a retiring from politics as much as it was from CC.

Seiously, though, I think that these "so called conservatives" you speak of do more damage to the conservative cause then anybody. Do they honestly believe that there ranting and raving draws others to their cause? I was truly shocked at the vindictiveness displayed by some of them.

Trying to keep an open mind and finding answers by debate and discussion (which you do quite well, and I hope to do over on mine) seem to somehow make you less conservative? I don't get it.
I like your version better but I'm not quite up to the criticisms, that you are able to dish out. I don't understand the all or nothing attitude that is displayed. If I remember correctly, didn't IMC also attack you and Shaw?

Anyway, Thank you again for your defense!!

Arthurstone said...

My favorite part of the Paul Harvey show was...
"This is Paul Harvey.....good day"

Unbelievable voice. Great delivery. Wretched politics.

Oh well.

I used to cut my Grandmother's lawn, paint her house and do odd jobs around her place in the 1960's and we would have lunch and listen to Paul Harvey. She was a lovely woman and the only Republican in the family. Paul did get it right about Vietnam finally around 1970 or so. But the McCarthy/Reagan stuff is hard to take. He unquestioningly upported those two in their most feverish red-baiting days.


You might find this interesting as you consider a talk radio future:

I wonder if we'll ever get 'think' radio?


Too quiet.

dmarks said...

Paul got it wrong about Vietnam in 1970. That was a good example of his "wretched politics". But generally he never seemed to get very political.

I did like to listen to him, once I got around things like him pronouncing protein like "protean" a word that means "Readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings"

Arthurstone said...

Ah yes Vietnam. Our 'finest' hour. Taking up the colonial burden the French had borne and insinuating ouselves into a civil war backing a regime even less acceptable to it's citizens and far more corrupt than the Communists.

And of course once Saigon 'fell' it was only a matter of time before Thailand, Malaysia, the Phillippines and Japan went 'red' as well.


dmarks said...

The colonial burden in Vietnam passed entirely from France to the USSR. As a result, the place to this day has one of the worst human rights records on the planet.

" and far more corrupt than the Communists."

Ho's gang killed tens of thousands in "peacetime" North Vietnam prior to the war (purging farmers as part of land reform and the like) and they killed hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese in reprisals after the war was "over". The boat-people crisis happened after the conquest, not during the time the US helped South Vietnam stave it off for a while. The Soviets were far more genocidal and monstrous. When these matters are in play, it is hard to quibble over "corrupt".

Ask Vietnamese immigrants. They consider Ho Chi Minh to be a Hitler-like figure. Not Nixon, not LBJ.

"time before Thailand, Malaysia, the Phillippines and Japan went 'red' as well."

The domino theory was a valid interpretation of events. Laos fell. Cambodia fell. Soviet proxies wreaked havoc in the Phillipines.

Vietnam was not our finest hour. We did a bad job, and as a result, South Vietnam lost, and over a million were slaughtered in Southeast Asia in an unchecked Communist rempage in the mid-1970s.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Before Vietnam got into full swing I think it was Ike that said "We have no intention of sending our boys over there to do what Asian boys should be doing." If only those words had been heeded then and now.

dmarks said...

"We have no intention of sending our boys over there to do what Asian boys should be doing." resulted in the Taliban and other outgrowths of the Mujahadeen.

Arthurstone said...

Both further examples of US failures in global politics. Both essentially US inventions in an endless, hugely costly 'cold war' which has (coveniently with the collapse of the USSR) evolved into the 'global war on terror'. Amorphous, world-wide and endless. The perfect device to keep Americans pliant and frightened.

We never learn.

TAO said...

Oh, dmarks...why?

Of course if you ask any Vietnamese refugee what they think about Ho they will tell you he was worse than Hitler....

Good Lord, the refugees were South Vietnamese...

Don't forget Ho was our ally during WWII and only turned against us when we turned against him and gave Vietnam back to the French.

As far as the Taliban go...why not watch the movie "Charlie Wilson's War" to get a grip about how we create our own problems.

As far as the Philippines, Laos, and Cambodia go...if we would be a little democratic in our foreign policy rather than supporting corrupt regimes we actually might come out on top once in awhile.

I spent years in Asia, especially in the Philippines and boy can I can tell you how we got used by Marcos...

The same holds true in Vietnam with Diem, and in Cambodia and Laos. We just picked up where the french left off and supported the puppets they created.

dmarks said...

Tao: "Good Lord, the refugees were South Vietnamese..."

Of course, as it was obvious to the "liberated people of re-united Vietnam" that they were being treated as a conquered and crushed people, not as people who are liberated.

"As far as the Taliban go...why not watch the movie "Charlie Wilson's War" to get a grip about how we create our own problems."

That was what I was referring to. For better or worse, that is the result of the decision to help Afghanistan repulse the USSR entirely trusting foreign troops.

"Don't forget Ho was our ally during WWII and only turned against us..."

He was already a Stalinist during the 1950s. The whole claim that Ho turned into a genocidal totalitarian because the US made the wrong decision in regards to the French has never washed.

Arthurstone said...

It wasn't our fight.

Dave Miller said...

Exactly Arthur. And this is the central question. Do we have a right to enter sovereign countries and force change in their societies.

And if the answer is yes, do other countries have the same right to do so here in the US?

The simple fact that we are bigger and can do so, gives us that ability, but the right?

Who knows.

dmarks said...

" Do we have a right to enter sovereign countries and force change in their societies."

That is what the USSR did in South Vietnam. The US failed to stop it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

dmarks said...
" Do we have a right to enter sovereign countries and force change in their societies."

That is what the USSR did in South Vietnam. The US failed to stop it.

And what did we do in Iraq?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Are you going to go George Bush on us and come up with a new reason every day for justifying Iraq DMarks? Or Afghanistan and Vietnam?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Deep Thought:

I wonder which Republican Patrick will label AHOTW:

Michael Steele or Rush Limbaugh?

They're having a cat fight over who's gonna lead the Republican Party. Hilarious!

Steele disses Rush: "Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer!" Ugly and incendiary."

Rush goes all blubbery and harumphy over Steele: "Michael Steele, you are NOT the head of the Republican Party, you're the head of the RNC."

When the Republicans fight over who owns the ball, they're not playing their game.

My ardent hope is that Rush wins this battle. I and all of the Democrats I've talked to hope Rush takes over the Republican Party and becomes its unchallenged lord and master. Yes.

BREAKING NEWS! Michael Steele recants and kisses Limbaugh's prodigious white ass!

New Slogan for The GOP: Our Leader Is A Talk-Show Host!

That's leadership you can believe in!

dmarks said...

"New Slogan for The GOP: Our Leader Is A Talk-Show Host!"

I wonder how long before they actually run a talk-show host for the United States Senate? Nah. Too ridiculous; never happen.

Patrick M said...

Arthur: That was quite a long article. However, it told me nothing I hadn't already learned about talk radio from Rush.

As for me getting into radio, I know I don't have the drive to truly make it. Plus, I'd just get myself thrown off the air eventually (I did in college).

101: Actually, I have fun with the anonydolts. Because I have no mercy, will ridicule them, and delete them when they get redundant.

And you notice they didn't have the testicular fortitude to step up.

Shaw: I wonder which Republican Patrick will label AHOTW:

Michael Steele or Rush Limbaugh?

Well, if I had to pick, it would be Michael Steele Head of the Ridiculous Non-Conservatives.

Of course, since Rush doesn't want to be the leader of the GOP (he said so in the very segment you reference), it's a moot point.

New Slogan for The GOP: Our Leader Is A Talk-Show Host!

After the asshats the GOP has had, it would be an improvement.

Arthurstone said...

PatrickM typed:

'Arthur: That was quite a long article. However, it told me nothing I hadn't already learned about talk radio from Rush.'

I thought you might find it an interesting portrait of a borderline psychotic. Sorry, typical talk show host.

This is an even more interesting view into Ziegler's 'mind'.


Patrick M said...

Actually, Ziegler's mind, or more accurately his mindset, is what has kept him from success.

Negative only gets you so far.

dmarks said...

arthur said: "I thought you might find it an interesting portrait of a borderline psychotic. Sorry, typical talk show host."

Hey, not every talk show host is like Al Franken!